industrial background














An American-manufactured panel with capabilities for applications up to 500 HP, Phase Technologies’ DX (General Purpose) configured panels are the solution to your motor control problems. Purchase as a standalone drive or customize your unit in an enclosed panel configuration using our 508A panel shop. Additionally, take advantage of extra add-on components to increase the efficiency and performance of your unit.





Protect your investment with our all-steel, NEMA 3R enclosures, guaranteed to keep out the elements while allowing your panel to operate at peak performance. All our enclosures are made in-house at our metal fabrication shop, ensuring the highest quality products, proudly made in America.

Phase Converting

Phase Converting

230V & 460V Options

230V & 460V Options

5 - 700 HP

5 - 700 HP

NEMA 3R Outdoor Enclosure

NEMA 3R Outdoor Enclosure

Industry Best Lead Times
Industry Best Lead Times
System Bypass
System Bypass
(Panel Shop Option)
Made In The USA
Made In The USA
508A Panel Shop
508A Panel Shop

perfect for all applications

Available as a stand alone drive and enclosed panel configuration

Build online with our Product Builder and receive your unit within 30 days of order confirmation

Easy Set Up Wizards preprogrammed in your system for quick and easy startup

Rugged general purpose VFD qualified for many applications

Phase Converting capabilities for single phase or three phase input

Common Applications



Sewer Bypass

Lift Stations


Slurry & Tailings Removal

Wastewater Reuse

Dust & Fire Supression

Evaporation Equipment

Process Water

Constant Torque

Rotating Equipment

Conveyor Belts

Rock Crushers


Circulating Pumps

Cooling Towers

Supply Fans

Exhaust Fans

Air Handlers

Water, Oil & Mud Transfer

Drilling Mud Recirculation

Fuel Storage Tank Booster

Downhole Pumps

ENC3 with LHX

Craft Your Configured Panel

Custom Built Panels

Design the right DXL unit for your operation, and we will provide the perfect enclosure. Take advantage of our wide range of add-on components to enhance the efficiency and performance of your configured panel. Phase Technologies will build your unit to spec, at our manufacturing facility, and ship it directly to your home or business for easy installation.

2xd open closed panel
The DXL line is powered by our DXL variable frequency drive, combined with our configured panel options, to bring you a custom unit for your operation.
Panel Shop Options

MCCB – Service rated

HOA Switch

Speed Pot

Line Reactor

Run & Fault Light

Output Filter


Surge Protection



Leg Kit

Made in the USA
DX Nomenclature

inside the panel

Engineered for maximum performance with minimal components, Phase Technologies configured panels are the definition of simplicity and efficiency. Gone are the days of large enclosures with small drives, heaps of wires, and bulky components. Enjoy the perfectly sized enclosure with all the necessary add-ons, intuitively crafted into a 3R enclosure.
Inner Panel Design


The DX is powered by a Phase Technologies DXL VFD


Configured panels come standard with NEMA 3R all steel enclosures made in house.

Circuit Breaker:

Protect your drive with a Circuit Breaker, which is available in our 508A panel shop.

Line Reactor:

All panels include an integrated DC Choke standard above 30 HP

Output Filter:

Built with components to limit peak voltage, these filters are recommended with lead lengths up to and above 1,000 feet.

product overview

DX models
Input Voltage: 230
ModelHorsepowerInput VoltageOutput VoltageRelated Input Current Related Output Current Configure
DX005523023018 A18 A
DX0077.523023025 A25 A
DX0101023023031 A31 A
DX0151523023046 A46 A
DX0202023023061 A61 A
DX0252523023075 A75 A
DX0303023023091 A91 A
Input Voltage: 460
ModelHorsepowerInput VoltageOutput VoltageRelated Input Current Related Output Current Configure
DX40554604609 A9 A
DX4077.546046013 A13 A
DX4101046046018 A18 A
DX4151546046025 A25 A
DX4202046046031 A31 A
DX4252546046038 A38 A
DX4303046046046 A46 A
DX4404046046061 A61 A
DX4505046046077 A77 A
DX4606046046086 A91 A
DX47575460460101 A107 A
DX4100100460460134 A142 A
DX4125125460460163 A172 A
DX4150150460460188 A198 A
DX4200200460460237 A250 A
DX4250250460460288 A304 A
DX4300300460460346 A365 A
DX4350350460460394 A415 A
DX4400400460460454 A478 A
DX4500500460460560 A590 A
DX documents
Technical Specifications

Input Power

Input Phase

Single-Phase or Three-Phase

Input Voltage

230 V | 460 V

Input Voltage Range

190 V — 264 V | 440 V — 520 V

Input Frequency

50/60 Hz

Output Power

Output Phase


Nominal Output Voltage

230 V | 460 V

Output Voltage Range

100 V – 270 V | 200 V — 530 V

Output Frequency

5 Hz – 120 Hz


5 HP - 700 HP

Output Power

1.5 - 409 kW

Switching Frequency

2 kHz – 5 kHz


V/f control Torque Control (Optional)

Show More Specs